So Scott Adams posited that if the news media started pushing deaths for people along with political affiliation, there would definitely be a motivation to get the vaccine.
Before I go any further. Talk to your doctor about getting the vaccine. Allergies, Pre-existing conditions, other medications, and your risk to covid should all be taken into account when deciding to take the vaccine.
This data does not show a clear line between politcial affiliation nor does it show a clear line between states that are more vaccinated than states that are less vaccinate.
More research would be needed to determine the real reason why some states are less affected by covid verse others. Hawaii is an easy one to single out. It’s in the middle of no where and therefore doesn’t have as many carriers spreading the disease. Why is New York Struggling while Oregon is not. They have the same number of vaccinations. They are in the same geographic region. Population density is different. But if you cross compare New Mexico with oregon, they have about the same population density. So more research would be needed other than my half ass look at it.

source for political affiliation:
source for vaccinations:
source for death rate:
The video that prompted this discussion:
Episode 1446 Scott Adams: Persuasion Lessons Using China & Vaccinations as the Topics Plus More Fun