So, Checking back in on whether the vaccine is working or not. Something is definitely working. The claims about the vaccine maybe true. Read my previous posts to understand the details but the vaccination status from people that die from covid is widely under reported. Which causes me to have hesitancy about saying the vaccine is working. There are monoclonal antibodies treatment which may be the real reason deaths are on the decline. It maybe that we’ve reached herd immunity. So I can’t commit to the statement that it is just the vaccine.
When I wrote my previous posts, it was back in august and september where deaths were on the rise. But since, they have been on the decline. We are not following the trend of last year. So we are making progress towards less deaths due to covid.
Just need to understand specifically why. Will we ever know? Ok, well cases are following the death rate. So people are not getting infected as much. So is that the vaccine or herd immunity? Or both? This rules out monoclonal antibodies.