An update. I don’t really care about covid anymore. We all are going to die from something. Live your life to the fullest.
The deaths are higher that the first wave. They are still on an upward trajectory. And there is a weirdly high spike during the initial rollout of the vaccine. Did the vaccine cause some of those deaths?
Was the deaths lower in the first wave because of the lockdowns? Are the deaths higher now because people are living their lives?
The death rate is still uptrending and this should be a big concern. We may see a peak as high as the spike in the second wave again.
You can claim that the vaccine is keeping it low. If the vaccine wasn’t the cause of the spike in the second wave. Or you could say that as doctors learn better ways to treat the virus, less people are dying. Or there are less people that are suseptible to covid the longer it goes on, herd immunity. But since most of the information is about political agendas. Figuring out if it’s better treatments or the vaccine is near impossible.
But the vaccine works according to studies. Those studies say a 97% survivability from covid. Covid has a 98% survivability. So you are more likely to die from the vaccine than from covid?
People keep using anicdotal evidance that. “Oh, but I am vaxxed and I got covid and it wasn’t that bad” Covid has a 98% survivability. where most people don’t even have to go to the hospital for treatment. So did the vaccine help or did you just have a mild case of covid?
According to some news article 80% of the population has some antibodies for covid. If that was the case. We would see a corresponding drop in deaths. But there isn’t one.
I don’t know. As I stated at the begining. Just live your life before you die. Living in fear is not living.
Ok so it occured to me to overlay vaccination rates with excess deaths. Now this graph doesn’t really tell you anything. You might say as vaccinations go up. Death rate goes down. And conversly as vaccinations go down deaths go up. But at the tail end of this graph. Both death rates and vaccinations are going up. So these 2 graphs are not tied to one another. Correlation does not equal Causation. The simple reason is that who is going to die from covid and who is going to get the vaccine is anyone’s guess. 74% of the US population is vaccinated and the deaths are still on the rise. Which precludes that the number of vaccinations are tied to the death rate.
But this does conclude that the vaccine did NOT cause the second spike in deaths. As I speculated above. There is no overlap there.
The dip is directly related to summer. Summer seems to have an impact on the death rate. Another year will bear that out. With the population at 74% vaccination and death rates just as high as the first spike tells me that the vaccine doesn’t work. As I’ve said, there should be a correlation between total vaccinations and death rate.
But this graph is showing some correlation. So I can’t completely rule out vaccines working. But this is a scaled image, to match the start and end dates, overlayed on the graph. As to directly graphing both datasets. Which I’m not going to take the time to do that. So the similarities may not actually overlap.
And yes I’m leaving the title. Because breakout cases and the resulting deaths is close to the same number of deaths due to covid without vaccines. Until that number changes. The vaccine doesn’t work. According to breakout cases, there is a 21% survival rate with the vaccine. Which indicates that it somewhat works.
It would be nice if this data website tracked breakout cases.