Aristocrat Arogance

Scott Adams made the claim that you can just slash someone’s budget by 20% and they will still get the job done. No, no they wont. They will either drop functionality or fire someone to cover the lost in budget. Then when the project wraps up and the boss asks “where’s that functionality we talked about?” or “What happened to billy?” That’s what happens when you slash my budget by 20%. But they don’t remember it the next time when they have a budget meeting.

Scott is a democrat, and this opinion is the same one that the Democrats use to push their agenda. When the EPA changes their requirements from 5% emissions to 3% emissions and expect companies to reduce their emissions by 2%. There isn’t some knob that they can just turn to reduce emissions. So how does the company comply with this change? They either pay the fine or they purchase carbon credits. What’s a carbon credit? Take Elon Musk and Tesla. Tesla creates positive carbon credits. According to the EPA every car Tesla makes has a negative carbon score. So Tesla can sell that negative carbon score to another company that is producing too much carbon.

But what about a company that is polluting florizine? How do they reduce their pollution if there isn’t a company that isn’t producing a negative product? They just pay the fine. What happens when a company has to either buy more carbon credits from Tesla or pay a fine for this reduction of 2% emissions? They pass that cost onto the consumer. Prices go up. Inflation increases. What if the company can’t pass the price onto the consumer? They move the production to another country. Which causes job loss in America. “Why aren’t people able to get jobs?” Because Democrats are forcing companies into situations that they cannot overcome. So they go somewhere else.

What the EPA should be doing is watching new research, encouraging new research and working to implement that research into working products. As soon as those new products are available. They require companies to implement those products to reduce emissions. Instead of constantly destroying the economy. They would be advancing the state of the art when it comes to polution. But these changes also need to take into account economic impact. You can’t just snap your fingures and require everyone to adopt solar panels when solar panels are not economically feasible. You have to work with companies, not against them.

Why are solar panels and electric cars not economically feasible? Solar panels only work during the day. How do you store all that electricity for use during the night? Well, batteries. Batteries are a solution but do not offset the cost required to run a fossile fuel source. In other words, installing enough batteries to capture the needed energy for use during off sun light hours, costs more than to use fossil fuels. Where is that extra money going to come from?

While people think rich people have money to spend and we can just tax people more. There’s still a limit to the amount of money available.

Its the same thing with crime.  Why does crime keep going up?  “We’re trying to help criminals.” They keep pushing the agenda instead of looking at solutions that actually work.  Yes solutions that actually work are mean towards criminals.  Being nice to criminals doesn’t work.

Take nuclear power for example. Its great for clean energy. But Democrats view it as dangerous.  So they push solar and wind but those energy solutions lead to rolling Brown outs. Because they are not reliable sources of energy.  They cant see past the agenda.  Democrats see solar and wind as the ultimate solution. But that energy source actually produces more co2 than nuclear. But nuclear is dangerous.  150 nuclear power plants have been operating in the US for how many years?  How many nuclear plants around the world have been operating just as long?  But there’s been 3 failures.  2 of which were not in the US or Europe.  The one in the US was 1979 and no one died.A lot of regulation has been put in since to mitigate any issues. Why aren’t we encouraging nuclear?  Because Democrats cant see past their agenda of solar and wind.

Here’s an example of Democrats struggling to keep their political agenda while trying to actually solve the problem.  The actual solutions ultimately get dismissed.

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