Immigrants and Illegal Immigrants are voting in elections

But wait, this fact check says that claim is false. How can that be?

NPR says that they are getting registration forms from the DMV and are registering to vote and have voted. So who’s telling the truth? NPR says that “Usually they are not doing it on purpose” So you are telling me that some of them are doing it on purpose? Also, they says that Texas has found that 95,000 people are registered illegally to vote. But the fact check said that this was false, how can that be?

According to this multiple states have around 50,000 to 60,000 people illegally registered to vote. But I thought the fact check said that this wasn’t happening. What’s going on here?

Colorado “Accidently” sent 30,000 voter registration cards to illegal immigrants. “They wont be allowed to vote” It’s not like we check ids or anything like that, in fact we mail you the ballot and just expect you to return it without any kind of verification at all. So you know, they are not going to vote.

There’s camps in Mexico that have vote for biden signs and they are handing out voter registration forms. Why would they be doing that? The fact check said that this wasn’t happening. How can that be?

Well, let’s look at this so called “fact check” and see what it said. They claim that “migrants “can” vote” is false because “It is illegal to do so” I didn’t ask if it was illegal or legal. I asked if the illegal immigrants WERE registering to vote. If they WERE voting. So they didn’t address the actual concern. They just made an irrelevant statement, then claimed the statement about illegal immigrants registering to vote as false. So they didn’t prove anything but are convincing a lot of people that this claim is somehow false.

Every state but Arizona gives applicants of welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, or in some cases, mail-in ballots, voter registration forms without requiring proof of citizenship. Just like in Colorado where they “accidently” sent them forms, they are doing it all across the states. And as NPR stated “Usually they are not doing it on purpose” No, the state is doing it on purpose. Because they can claim “Oh, we did it accidently” absolving them of the crime.

The Election FIX IS IN, Democrats REFUSE To Bar Illegal Immigrants Voting, Trump DEMANDS GOP Act

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