1919 and today (2021)

Just after the Flu Pandemic
Violent Riots broke out by unionists, socialists, communists, and anarchists.
police force goes on strike
Essentially, the country ran without a president for nearly 18 months
1919 Anarchist Bombings
Arrests are made of anarchists and communists
They past prohibition against alcohol
The telephone was recently invented

What is going on today?
Just after the covid pandemic
BLM riots
Antifa Riots
Police quitting in mass
Biden is clearly old and struggles to maintain coherency.
Arrests are made of conservatives
They are trying to pass laws against free speech on the internet
Social media has gained prominence

There are a lot of similarities between these 2 decades.
If you look to the future of 1919, it was followed by the roaring 20s
Followed by the great depression that started in 1929
then world war 2

So if you project that onto today. We are facing the inflated economy
pushed by the stimulus packages. This inflation will create euphoria
then a crash that will lead to depression.
China and russia are pushing the limits of what they can get away with
which will eventually lead to heated conflicts and may escalate into world war.

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