Antigen test vs PCR test

That right there is the problem with news today.Instead of saying “FALSE” PCR does not mix up flu and covid.They need to say “Clarification, there is an antigen test, that detects flu and coivd which will then indicate you need a PCR test to determine which one it is.“But doctors or nurses are saying, antigen… Continue reading Antigen test vs PCR test

Canary in the coal mine. Airlines Cancel Flights EN MASSE Due To Shortages, The Economy Is Failing And Its Time To Wake Up

Canary in the coal mine.Airlines Cancel Flights EN MASSE Due To Shortages, The Economy Is Failing And Its Time To Wake Up It’s a story as old as timeRepublicans build up a city.  Detroit Michigan.Democrats move in and start demanding stuffRepublicans move outDemocrats complainCity falls into decay.Chicago, New York, California, Portland.It’s the same story over… Continue reading Canary in the coal mine. Airlines Cancel Flights EN MASSE Due To Shortages, The Economy Is Failing And Its Time To Wake Up

The resent history of the middle east.

Islam is a mercantile religion.“We need more people to tax, we get more people by conquering other territories.”Their society is very centered around “The Market” Osama Bin Laden was not the master mind, he was just the mouth piece. Moderation is the key to success of nations Life As A Spy from Al-Qaeda to MI6

China is actively working with the Cuban Military.

Lily Tang Williams, the Ayn Rand of our day? They have active military training drills to help cuba’s military.  China is also actively trading with cuba. reason for the US to have open trade with cuba.If communism is so great, they should be able to have a successful country through partnerships with other communist countries.… Continue reading China is actively working with the Cuban Military.