Lol, Feminists won.Democrats Vote To Force Women To Be Drafted Into The Military, Refusal To Sign Up Is A Felony
Democrat Comedian Claims He Defeated Every Argument Against Gun Control – Part 1
Democrat Comedian Claims He Defeated Every Argument Against Gun Control – Part 1
Libertarians don’t understand economics
Libertarians don’t understand economics. They get somethings right but miss some obvious stuff. How Does FEE COMPLETELY miss the main purpose of the show?Yes you at least highlighted it.The Law Of Equivalent Exchange.The Law of Supply and DemandThe Law of Barter systemsYou can’t get anything unless you provide something. I.e. work for money, money for… Continue reading Libertarians don’t understand economics
Colorado LEAP bill creates an independent ruling board without any oversight
Colorado LEAP bill creates an independent ruling board without any oversight Increases taxes and exempts itself from TABOR, allowing for increases in its’ own tax without voter approval.Creates an independent board of both the federal government and any local voter approvalsAlso doesn’t fund charter schooled or home schooled kids. From The Colorado Freedom ForceThe dust… Continue reading Colorado LEAP bill creates an independent ruling board without any oversight
The Democrats Insurrection
Biden has an OPEN door policy on migrants entry into the US. This is the Democrat Insurrection 188,000 illegal migrants crossed the board just last month.1,200 migrants are coming here every day. Video Shows CBP Escort Illegal Immigrants Through Border while cases of covid increase 900% at the boarder, Democrat Policies Lead TO COVID Lockdown… Continue reading The Democrats Insurrection
Why don’t billionaires spend money to help fix society’s problems
I really wish they would help society…Billionaires ARE spending their money to help society Jeff Bezos commits $10 billion to combat climate change Jeff Bezos launches $2 billion fund to help homeless, create preschools Elon Musk “built” funded the guy that built, the electric car, Tesla, and the ancillary technologies, battery power walls and solar… Continue reading Why don’t billionaires spend money to help fix society’s problems
1919 and today (2021)
Just after the Flu PandemicViolent Riots broke out by unionists, socialists, communists, and anarchists.police force goes on strikeEssentially, the country ran without a president for nearly 18 months1919 Anarchist BombingsArrests are made of anarchists and communistsThey past prohibition against alcoholThe telephone was recently invented What is going on today?Just after the covid pandemicBLM riotsAntifa RiotsPolice… Continue reading 1919 and today (2021)
49% of ballots in AZ are duplicates
Maricopa county in AZ ballots have Repeated Duplicate ballots. That were counted as separate ballotsAlso, the number of ballots sent out is less than the number of ballots received.So someone photo copied a bunch of ballots and sent them in.the forensics show that the duplicates are thin paper compared to the official ballotsThis equates to a… Continue reading 49% of ballots in AZ are duplicates
Start Your Own School
This dude gets it. Started His OWN school at 19 years old.Because the community’s education level was so low and talking to the local government was just a waste of time. 21 Year Old Black Conservative Starts A School For Fatherless Kids in Ghettos
philosophy vs ideology
I don’t support BRC, but I do buy starbucks. Food is food. If they have good food I’m going thereBut Political positions should not be all or nothing. Claiming “Your not conservative, because you don’t support all things conservative”Politics should not be entangled with religion for example.It’s one thing to say the reason for your… Continue reading philosophy vs ideology