The ever increasing authoritarian state and it’s dangers on society

In psychology. You either support and confirm their gender identity concerns or you lose your license. What if something is going on in their life and it’s not a gender issue. You as a psychiatrist cannot explore that because you will lose your license.This kind of stuff needs to stop. clearly the science is not… Continue reading The ever increasing authoritarian state and it’s dangers on society

Do the vaccines work?

My primary issue is that we have 68% of the population vaccinated, and 80% supposedly has antibodies indicating that they are immune to covid. With those numbers you should see a dramatic drop in death rate among covid patients. Comparing today to this time last year, the total number of deaths per week is HIGHER… Continue reading Do the vaccines work?

Authority verse Liberty

We need a reframing on politics.  It’s not democrat verse republicans authority verse libertyHow much authority do we want with regards to murderers? Do we want them to be free to murder or do we need an authority telling them no they can’t do that?How much authority verse liberty do we want for the laundry… Continue reading Authority verse Liberty

The Democrats Incompetence

They actively blocked trump at every move but they just do what biden says? Hillary Clinton has to go out of her way to send rescue missions to afghanastan.That clearly states that the Biden administration is operating on their own at full incompetence.At the same time they are blocking Glenn Beck from sending his own… Continue reading The Democrats Incompetence

Is Autism a genetic disorder

ADHD, Autism, and OCD. ADHD is believed to be a genetic trait that is passed down OCD is believed to be a genetic trait that is passed down Autism has similar brain abnormalities as to the other 2 disorders. And there are several links pointing to genetic trait as the cause. Everybody gets a vaccine… Continue reading Is Autism a genetic disorder

Who funds the Taliban

The opinion seems to be that they are self funded through the opium trade. So looking into the opium trade. There is this graph. Showing that the drugs the middle east, china, africa, and south America produce are all flowing into Europe and North America. They wouldn’t be selling drugs there if there wasn’t money… Continue reading Who funds the Taliban

Inalienable right

Inalienable rightSomething that I have the ability to do before you impose your will on me.I can speak, I can defend myself, I can pursue happiness. All before you impose your will to want to keep me from speaking, want to keep me from defending myself, want a house.Inalienable right happens with or without permissionwhile imposing… Continue reading Inalienable right